Wednesday, 31 January 2007

well another day another blog post.......

and in the lead up to the big adventure, i am so pleased i got my money last week. this week the aussie dollar has dropped again. now i just have to hope that the dollar strengthens again for the time that i am overseas and then drops just in time for me to change back any funny money i might bring home.

preparations are going nicely and still calmly - altho i haven't yet started to think about what clothes exactly i'll take. maybe i'll just take one change in a backpack with my laptop and buy clothes over there from a second-hand shop - then i can sell em or leave em behind.......

nah, can see that happening......but i will have to make sure i leave room for my boots and possibly jacket that i am thinking of bringing home with me......along with enuff room for the mountie that will be dying to accompany me home :)

not much more at this point so more next time.....