Saturday, 22 November 2008

welcome back

it is such a long time since my last post. i must be one of the worst bloggers ever. but so much has happened. not least taking leave from my studies for a while.

but on the home front lots have been going on. not least the establishment of satchitananda thanks to all the gardening and bushcraft knowledge of paul. we now have a well-established veggie garden out the front of the shed and the planting of about 30 or so fruiting trees in the food forest. more trees go in every couple of weeks (or when we can get some cuttings and seedlings from friends).

the solar cooker is going really well and this weekend we christened the solar hot water system. together the two systems cost us around $2o for parts. and then all it took was some creative thinking on paul's part.

we have survived the queensland storms so far and the rain has got the dam to about a third full - now we will be able to see how long the water lasts which might give us some chance to see how big the leaks are.

there are photos here so you can see how much progress paul has made since we bought the property just over twelve months ago:

hopefully not so long til the next post :)

Saturday, 22 March 2008

blog updates

well, ok, so i haven't blogged here for quite a while. that isn't to say i haven't been having adventures. if you look through the new albums in my online photo album you'll see that i have travelled yet again, and also started my retirement planning by purchasing some land with my partner paul.

however, i haven't been particularly good about maintaining my blog. in fact, i'm surprised that they still let me open it it's been so long.

but it is now time to turn this blog into a useful site for me again. i will be updating it much more regularly now that i am seriously getting myself back into my studies.

and the reason for this updated commitment? i have just returned from the third meeting of the international working group on online consultation and public policy making where i presented a paper at their conference. this has renewed my interest in my studies as well as giving me the impetus i need by giving me a writing deadline - the book chapter draft is to be ready by the end of october this year.......

and i have also been accepted as a student in the 2008 iGov Institute - so i will be heading off to manchester in july to learn more about how to make my comparative study more effective.

this means i will probably be mulling around the big questions for my thesis much more in coming weeks. and this will be the best place for me to do it while also making me commit to writing.