Wednesday, 7 March 2007


ok, now i know i said i wanted it to snow in ottawa while i'm there. and i can accept that for it to snow, it has to be cold.......

but really.....for an aussie girl, raised in the sunshine of queensland, cold is like anything below about 10 degree C....

i've been getting regular weather updates from ray via email. i suspect he is getting some sort of sadistic pleasure out of this exercise - given that one of the first things he wants to do when i arrive is see how i survive being thrown into a snowbank, and that he is a black belt karate instructor!!!!!

but really, i think it is cold enough now ray.....what was the temperature update today? -40 something? or did i misread the email? please say i misread the email......

my teeth are chattering to the max - they now accept that there is every chance that the snowbank is getting itself ready.

i am going to be sooooo cold i won't even be able to feel how cold i am......


Anonymous said...

Ray's probably talking in fahrenheit where we work in celcius. So with the conversion -40 fahrenheit is only...ummm...-40 celcius. oh...crikey! that is brass monkey stuff.


kezza01 said...

nah mate, ray talks in good old celsius - comes of bein bilingual....

so c'mon ray - tell me i was misreading the email.......

or lay in a heap of really really really warm clothes....

Anonymous said...

OK folks, we here in the great white north work on the Celcius scale. This is no exageration, last week the temperature between Tuesday and Thursday was -42C with white out conditions [so blustery with snow you can't see a thing, like a dust storm but with ice pellets], yesterday it was -8C and freezing rain [worst possible condition where the roads become sheer ice surfaces and accidents are all too common. You can't break and your car windsheild is coated with ice, weather station called this a "freezing rain warning". Today it is +4C, sunny and the snow is starting to melt. Weather around here is a serious and frequent topic of discussion. Not paying attention to the forcast can have serious reprecussions. But enough frivolity lets talk activities.

Here is what I have planned for you so far:
-professinal hockey game
-downhill skiing
-sleigh ride
-museum of civilization[native exhibit]
-national art gallery[native artist]
-lunch with Elizabeth Richard
-meal of Canadian wildlife [you won't have to kill anything]

Are you interested in touring the Parliamnet Buildings? Let me know if you want to do anyting else in the 4.5 days you'll be here. Hope this meets with your approval. Ray