Wednesday 31 January 2007

well another day another blog post.......

and in the lead up to the big adventure, i am so pleased i got my money last week. this week the aussie dollar has dropped again. now i just have to hope that the dollar strengthens again for the time that i am overseas and then drops just in time for me to change back any funny money i might bring home.

preparations are going nicely and still calmly - altho i haven't yet started to think about what clothes exactly i'll take. maybe i'll just take one change in a backpack with my laptop and buy clothes over there from a second-hand shop - then i can sell em or leave em behind.......

nah, can see that happening......but i will have to make sure i leave room for my boots and possibly jacket that i am thinking of bringing home with me......along with enuff room for the mountie that will be dying to accompany me home :)

not much more at this point so more next time.....


Anonymous said...

I've got some entertainment ready for you but alot will depend on the weather. Snow, slush, above/below freezing, rain, sun anywhere from +10 to -20C are possible conditions that need to be taken into consideration when planning outdoor events for you. That's why all the arrangements so far have been for indoor activities. So far you're going to a professional hockey game, eating a gourmet meal of Canadian wildlife, visiting a museum featuring native history, a lunch with your other Canadian pen pals and a hike in the Gatineau Park. Things are gelling...hope you're in shape. 'Till next time.

Anonymous said...

If the hike in national paark could be turned to 'bike in national park' would b interesting...... wondered how long hike would be ..... i envisage a 10-20 klm or even further - how far off track am i